Disclaimer: GW and characters not mine, writing not for profit, don't sue me please; I can't afford it. ^^;
Warnings: abstractness, yaoi (no, ya think?), LEMON
Notes: Abstract in the extreme. Also strange. Like the Impressionist style of painting, it
gives more the impression of events, rather than describing it clearly. POVs
and other fixed points change at random, and it's meant to be slightly
confusing and unclear. Sort of... blurry.
To Briar Eve, J'ohn, Katran_sama, Morgan, Emyn, Luciana, ShinigamiPhoenix, KuraiMoon, and everyone
else who left reviews, comments, asked me about it or emailed me -- you make my day!
^_^ Thanks to Hiriyou and Amanda for your encouragement on this chapter -- you
are in large part responsible for it following chapter 4 relatively quickly.
^^; Beta-read by Hiriyou -- thank you! You have no idea how much of a help that
is. ^^
Stuff in italics is thoughts, speech, or emotions, and
just to further confuse you, you probably won't always be able to tell which is
which, or who it belongs to. Sometimes, it could be either, or both. ^^
Summary: An abstract version of an arc, sort of. I don't know what else to call it... This part, lemon! ^_^ Nuff said.
Impressions: Convergence
Part 5: Heat
by Kagemihari
burning need
surroundings forgotten
"not here..."
brief irritation, frustration
"someplace awful damn close then"
come on, not going to wait
not another minute
wanted this for so long
kiss hard and deep
scramble up, hand reaching down
gentle, with forcible restraint
tension building
with effort of holding back
pulses beat in still-joined hands
need you, need you now
tight smile
wry amusement
got it bad, don't we?
should have happened long before
how did this take so long?
can't believe I never knew...
...needed this so much
heated glance shared
heavy-lidded eyes, question
find a quiet room
silent question -- yours or mine?
"doesn't matter..."
what's close, here, now
door shut, immediately forgotten
lips meet fierce and hungry
hands slipping in and under clothes
blood on fire, racing
through veins like liquid heat
fingers fumbling
sultry chuckle
annoyed growl, responding
heat, storm, fire
take it off
tired of waiting, god!
been wanting this so long...!
skin meets skin, burning
sparks, flash and smoulder
blue eyes dark with need
elation, possession
you belong to me
know it
belong together
all the way, all the way -- gods!
"need to be -- in you"
...want you inside me
open mouthed kisses covering
finding flash points, tongues
flickering over heated skin, smooth
tracing tempting lines
of neck, jaw, shoulders...
mouths wandering, hot
rippling in the wake
beautiful, sexy
can't get enough, get close enough
not knowing how or when
upon a softer surface
heat blazing
of need and desperation
touching every inch, every nerve afire
with longed for touch of
beloved hands
leaving imprints of flame
shuddering, relief and need
almost there
inside, need inside
"do it now..."
gasp of sudden pain and pleasure
so tight, hot, full
god.... oh... *shit*...
heat surrounding, joining
groaning, need to move
to feel
friction a demand
shifting, impatient, ready now!
frayed control releases
moving, back, thrusting deep
so right
finally at home
sheathed, filled, connected
joined by heat, by fire
mouths again seeking
drinking deep
thrusting tongues
a counterpoint to rhythm
over and over
oh my god...
knew that it would be like this
with you
so damn good, never dreamed
never dreamed it could happen
so hot
faster, toward the edge
approaching, won't be long
so close
fingers brush like a brand
grip fierce, possessing, stroking
lightning strikes
twice in the same place
searing heat
whiteout, fade to black
shuddering release
sheer joy cries out
clinging, falling
over the edge, together
an endless weightlessness
warmth, heat
finally, whole at last
I will never leave you
can't live without you now
relaxed, embracing