duo's friendship arc
[ arc is complete ]
warnings: mild language
warnings: mild angst
warnings: humor, suggestive themes
4 - a test of friendship
warnings: mild angst
warnings: fluff
warnings: humor, fluff
7 - the school from hell
warnings: mild language, sap, light angst, violence
warnings: humor
warnings: mild language
10 - disguise the limit
warnings: mild language, humor, drama
warnings: none
12 - breaking free
warnings: angst, sap
warnings: humor
14 - school daze: a compliation of short stories
see individual parts for warnings
15 - rest for the weary
warnings: slight angst
warnings: slight angst
warnings: language and innuendo
18 - educating quatre
warnings: drama, language, violence, angst, sap
19 - to change the future
warnings: angst, violence
warnings: a bit of angst
21 - the end's beginning
warnings: angst
22 - shinigami rises
warnings: angst, violence
warnings: light angst
24 - the forewarning
warnings: touches of angst, language and violence
warnings: slight angst
warnings: none
27 - moving on
warnings: little angst, a bit of fluff, and the kitchen sink
pairing: 1+2
warnings: shounen-ai
jana's note: this is one of two endings for 'duo's friendship arc', the alternate one. i will post a link to the original ending that dyna planned for this arc once it has been written.
heero's fourth
[ award winning fic ]
pairings: mentions of 1X3, 1X4, 1X5, developing 1X2
warnings: yaoi, violence, humor, NCS, citrus, angst
duo's demise
pairings: 1X2, 3X4, 5XS, mention of 1X5
warnings: yaoi, major angst (but not quite death), pov, au
the chrysalid
[ sequel to 'duo's demise' ]
pairing: read and see
warnings: yaoi, angst
[ sequel to 'the chrysalid' ]
pairing: read and see
warnings: yaoi, angst
pairing: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, touch of citrus
the eyes have it
pairing: heero and duo
warnings: au, angst, language, pick yaoi or non-yaoi ending
pairings: 1X2, 3X4
warnings: yaoi, romance, fluff, pov
pairings: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, romance, lime, sap
pairings: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, mild language and angst
web of betrayal
pairings: 1x2, 1+R, 3x4, 2+3
warnings: yaoi, mild language, angst. mentions of ncs, citrus, not kind to relena... at all
second chances
pairings: 1X2, 1+R, 3X4 and others
warnings: yaoi, some language, mild angst, possible ncs, semi-evil heero
pairings: none
warnings: angst, waff
pairings: 1/2, 3/4
warnings: yaoi, sap
shifting perspective
warnings: please read all of the authors notes on this one before reading this story
pairing: 1+2/1X2, 5+2
warnings: shounen-ai, yaoi, au, some violence, some language
pairings: 1+2, 3+4
warnings: light yaoi, mild language
an invitation
pairing: 1+2/1X2
warnings: shounen-ai, romance, heero pov
pairings: 1+R, 1X2
warnings: yaoi, songfic, romance, sap
tangled in the web
[ sequel to 'web of betrayal' ]
pairing: 1x2
warnings: yaoi, angst, violence, torture
pairings: none
warnings: none
pairing: 1+2
warning: shounen-ai
the call
pairings: past and future 1X2X1, 1XOFC
warnings: yaoi, het, citrus, angst
pairing: 1+2
warnings: yaoi, au, angst
pairings: heero/duo, quatre/trowa
warnings: m/m relationships, light angst
pairing: 1+2
warning: suggested m/m relationships
dark cloud rising
pairings: eventual 1X2X1, tiny bit of 2+4 as friends with benefits
warnings: see individual chapters
pairing: heero/duo
warnings: yaoi, citrus
pairing: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, fluff
pairing: heero/duo
warnings: yaoi, fluff
pairing: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, a little angst, a little sap
pairing: heero/duo
warnings: yaoi, *death*
the deal
pairing: 1=2
warnings: fluff, a touch of drama and m/m relationships. out of character? probably
pairing: heero/duo
warnings: yaoi, fluff, sap
coming home
pairings: 1X2, hinted at 5X2 ?
warnings: yaoi, angst, romance, sap
when one door closes
pairings: 1X2, 1XOFC, 2XOMC, back to 1X2
warnings: yaoi, angst, drama
pairing: heero + duo
warnings: hint of yaoi, au, fluff
lies - between friends and lovers
pairing: predominantly heero/duo
warnings: yaoi, angst, drama, sexual scenes
pairing: heero + duo
warnings: yaoi, angst, humor, romance
the pretender
[ fic now complete ]
pairing: 1X2, 3X4 and various past relationships
warnings: au, yaoi, sexual situations