lone wolf's fics are presented here in a manner inconsistant with the rest of the author pages on this site, and with very good reason. earlier this year, lone wolf left gundam wing fandom, for what we hope is not forever. he has given blanket permission for his work to be archived, provided that his stories be left in tact.
in direct response to his request, what you see here, is almost an exact replica of the fiction page on his own site.
BGM noted at the top of each fic, is the background music the author has recommended you listen to while reading
everything is mostly heero and duo. the others may appear, but 1 and 2 are the stars.
song fics / vid fics
warnings: sweetness (yeah, heero's soft, but love can do that, ne?), painful emotions (pitch-black at one point), shonen ai/yaoi (depending on where you draw the line between them).
warnings: yaoiness, darkness at points.
warnings: shonen ai, sweet, just a touch angsty
warnings: shonen ai, the war ends in june AC196, no "endless waltz"
warnings: yaoi, a bit of angst, AU, OOC
humor fics
general warning: in all humor fics you should expect yaoiness and double entendres -- and a severe lack of seriousness. humour fics are not wufei approved
W: Damn straight!
LW: Uh, no, that's the point, they're not straight -- the characters or the stories.
W: Kisama! <holding nose to prevent incipient nosebleed>
warnings: zuchinni, death threats, duo quoting shakespeare (i need to apply for SDDI), miss clairol
warnings: nosebleeds, borg, possession by relena
warnings: nosebleeds, shakespeare, keanu reeves, self-detonation threats
warnings: no additional warnings
warnings: heero singing "age of aquarius", kama sutra, nosebleeds, LSD in tea?
this fic was written in response to a GWML challenge. yeah, get out while you can.
warnings: a serious lack of seriousness, yaoi, hentai, a bit limey
warnings: yaoi, serious? AHAHAHAHAHA!, inside jokes, parodies of parodies of early 80's phenomena
warnings: yaoi, a few bad puns, unexpected plot twists, moderate limeness
serious fics
stories exploring a connection between duo and death
warnings: sweet shonen ai (imo), a bit weird, a bit heavy, AU, OOC? (they're mid-20's here, so adjust your thinking accordingly), and worst of all... first person, present tense, stream of consciousness, meant to be read aloud with pauses and inflection.
comment: borrows pieces and ideas from '#712'
warnings: yaoi implications, heavy angst, duo is dead, have kleenex handy
comment: the dreaded sequel to 'second chances'.
warnings: none given. read or bail, you won't hurt my feelings.
the "dis" series
read at your own risk. detailed warnings would spoil parts of the story. be ready for anything and everything. flames ignored.
the serious answer to "the aquarius challenge". the rest of the "dis" stories were unintentional.
lots of profanity
"crossing" won the 2001 nanashi award for best romance. want more info on the nanashi awards? go to www.katsudon.net and choose the nanashi link. katsu writes some good gw stories too.
warnings:yaoi, moderate angst
miscellaneous stories
warnings: shonen ai, OOC-ness? (i don't know. i think it's exactly the kind of thing heero would want to know.)
warnings: mild shonen ai
warnings: yaoi, AU, OOC, mild angst, some sweetness, and, oh yeah, citrus, citrus, citrus
warnings: shonen ai, the war ends in june AC196, no "endless waltz"
warnings: AU-ish/AT-ish, yaoiness, citrusy
warnings: shonen ai, moody
warnings: yaoi, humor (within reason), heavy lime
warnings: yaoiness, violence, rape, murder, guilt, angst, revision of duo's past
warnings: suck it up and be surprised
'soldiers and fools' and related stories
soldiers and fools
see preface for warnings, etc. this is a slightly large fic. (obviously, huh, it has a preface.)
soldiers and fools sequels
warnings: yaoi, angst, biblical allusions (duo is nominally catholic)
warnings: yaoi, mild angst
the rejects arc
a soldiers and fools arc
warnings: yaoi, moderate lemon
warnings: yaoi-ness, heero in a sexy outfit, graphic lemonage, excessive drinking, recreational use of performance enhancing drugs
warnings: yaoi, mild-to-moderate limeness
warnings: yaoi, mild lemon (not particularly explicit)
warnings: yaoi, zest of lime, surprises
warnings: yaoi, more surprises, limey lemon (or lemony lime, depending on your take)
warnings: yaoi, even more surprises
a season of peace
a soldiers and fools series
yaoi, a touch melancholy
note: "gifts" was originally a one-shot that looked a lot like S&F (to me, anyway). this is the story recast into S&F.
warnings: yaoi, a drop of lime at the beginning
warnings: yaoi
pwp / pwp-ish
warnings: yaoi, lemon, PWP (or close to it), NC-ish (but not really)
warnings: yaoi, PWP-ish?, lemon, sweet-ish
note: this is a sequel to 'good cop'