From Boys to Soldiers to Men
[ An AU Story Arc by Merith ]
And the story arc - From Boys to Soldiers to Men - is born.
Overall, it will be a collection of stories, some longer than others... some drabbles... depicting the GW boys in the Vietnam era, centered around Quatre and his friendship with Duo.
The Boys section will contain stories of the group prior to becoming soldiers. Mostly memories between Quatre and Duo, but I hope to fill in some background for all of them in this section.
The To Soldiers section will be stories centered around the boys while in Vietnam. (Not sure if bootcamp will be part of this section or the boys section.)
The To Men part will be after they return... mostly in the recovery and living through the aftermath of the war.
:: f r o m b o y s
pairings: friendships
warnings: none
pairing: quatre + duo friendship
warnings: hints at sex, adult themes, drinking, mild angst
pairing: quatre + duo friendship
warnings: drabble, mild angst
pairing: none - heero
warnings: drabble, mild angst
pairing: quatre/dorothy
warnings: drabble, language, masturbation
pairing: quatre/dorothy
warnings: drabble, language, sexual situation
pairing: quatre/dorothy
warnings: drabble, language, sexual situation, sex
pairing: quatre/dorothy
warnings: drabble, language, sexual situation
pairing: quatre/dorothy
warnings: drabble, amgst/death
pairing: quatre and duo friendship
warnings: mild language
:: t o s o l d i e r s
pairing: trowa + quatre friendship
warnings: none
pairing: heero and duo
warnings: drabble, shounen-ai
pairing: heero and quatre friendship
warnings: drabble
pairing: quatre and trowa
warnings: drabble
pairing: none - trowa
warnings: drabble, mild angst
pairing: none - quatre + duo friendship
warnings: mild angst, war-type violence
pairing: heero/duo
warnings: mild angst, language, hints of BL
pairing: none - quatre
warnings: angst, war-type violence/torture
pairing: none - duo + quatre friendship
warnings: angst, apparent character death
pairing: none - duo + quatre friendship
warnings: mild angst
pairing: none - quatre
warnings: angst
pairing: none - duo
warnings: angst
pairing: quatre, duo (friendship)
warnings: mild angst
pairing: quatre, duo (friendship)
warnings: mild angst
:: t o m e n
pairing: 4+2 friendship
warnings: language, au, pov, angst
pairing:quatre and trowa
warnings: drabble, yaoi
pairing: heero and duo
warnings: drabble, yaoi
pairing: hilde, heero, hints of heero/duo
warnings: mild angst
pairing: heero/duo
warnings: mild angst, nostalgia
pairing: trowa/quatre
warnings: bl, mild angst
pairing: none - quatre, (hint of quatre/trowa)
warnings: angst, drinking binge
pairings: heero/duo, quatre (friendship)
warnings: angst, BL, hints of alcoholism
[ sequel to 'twice on the pipes' ]
pairing: heero/duo
warnings: bl, au, mild angst, sappish