fiction by stacy

email stacy

visit stacy at [ shdlm's fanart ]

stacy is a wonderful artist who has just ventured into writing.   *cheers*
her website is overflowing with gorgeous images and includes numerous illustrations done for heero/duo fiction
please use the above link to visit her page and while you are there, check out the artwork that she did to accompany 'bindings'


[ part of 'the sabintha stories' ]
pairing: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, lemon, bdsm, sap

  slow drift

pairing: 2X1
warnings: yaoi, language, snogging


pairing: 1+2
warnings: yaoi, sap


pairings: 1X1, 2X2
warnings: yaoi, pwp, lemon, masturbation

  talk nerdy to me

pairing: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, pwp, lemon


pairing: 2X1
warnings: yaoi, bdsm, lemon


pairing: 1+2
warnings: angst, possible character death


[ sequel to 'inconsequential' ]
pairing: 1+2
warnings: drama, language


[ sequel to 'damn' ]
pairing: 1+2
warnings: bit of language


[ sequel to 'missive' ]
pairing: 1+2
warnings: bit of language


[ sequel to 'waiting' ]
pairing: 1+2
warnings: language

  meatloaf and vengeance

pairing: 2+3 friendship
warnings: none


[ sequel to 'obstruction' ]
pairing: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, language, citrus

  head covering

pairing: 1+2
warnings: suggestive language


[ sequel to 'closet-case' ]
pairing: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, language, lemon

  uniform opinions

pairings: 3X4, assumed 1X2
warnings: silly

  heavy thinking

[ continued from 'uniform opinions' ]
pairing: 1+2
warnings: silly

  alternate coping strategies

[ continued from 'heavy thinking' ]
pairing: 1+2
warnings: silly

  driving hazards

[ continued from 'alternate coping strategies' ]
pairing: 1+2
warnings: a bit less silly than the others


[ continued from 'driving hazards' ]
pairing: 2X1 (i suppose)
warnings: yaoi, citrus

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