Disclaimer: GW belongs to Sotsu, Bandai and a multitude of others. Not me. Why do you have to rub it in, eh??

Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Angstish, AU, Blood, Language, Lime & Lemon, Vampires, Violence, Yaoi.

:: blah :: - telepathic speaking
blerg - thoughts

Enlightened Dark
by Tanith
Chapter 4

"You do not know of what you speak," the voice within the recesses of Heero's mind murmured as his own lips moved on the words, echoing dully in his ears. He stared into the braided boy's violet eyes as Duo's mouth parted on a shuddery breath. Heero sharp blue gaze following his every slight movement, devouring him from a distance.

That soft, chestnut hair flowed around him, framing his face like a cloud of silk, hopelessly tangled where Heero's hands had previously been buried. Amethyst eyes were gazing intently back at Heero from behind the thick fringe of his eye lashes, a strange light glittering in their depths.

The slight boy took a step toward Heero, stopping before him, wavering on his feet as the vibrant glow faded from his eyes. He suddenly fell forward, landing hard on his knees, the impact sending a visible jolt up his spine. His eyes lifted to Heero's, dulled with confusion, searching the other man's face, his body swaying precariously on his knees. "Heero?" he voice was weak, wispy, and Heero stiffened at his name, his cobalt gaze moving to meet Duo's, taking the vision in hungrily.

"Heero, why..? I feel..." a groan broke away from pursed lips and the boy lost his balance, falling limply against Heero's chest. Heero's arms found themselves wrapping around the boy against Heero's wishes, hoping to calm the violent tremors wracking the Duo's slight frame.

:: Do you see? His body has had a taste of what it's like... and it wishes for more. Only now-- ::

"No," Heero growled, fighting against the voice, cradling the braided boy protectively against his chest as he stood. And for once the mocking entity within his head remained silent.

Heero moved quietly out of the alcove between the two buildings his feet automatically taking him to the place where Duo lived across from the tavern. He moved quickly around the sharp corner jutting out before the steep stairway that lead to the room Duo that made up his meager home.

"You there! What're ya doing on my prop'ty, eh?" a gruff voice called out, stopping Heero in his tracks before he was halfway up the steps. The dark-haired man turned slowly, pressing the shuddering boy in his arms tightly against himself, his pulse skipping when Duo burrowed unconsciously closer into Heero's cold flesh, his feverish body welcoming the chill.

Heero stared down at the gnarled old man at the base of the stairs, his lips twisting in slight scorn of his haggard appearance, the greedy light in his dull eyes. "This boy needs a bed, he lives here," the cobalt eyed man said quietly, but his dark voice carried clearly down to the other.

"Not anymore, 'e doesn't," the man snorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Got nothing ta pay me wi', ye see? He'll be fired first thin' tomorrow, like as not, an' I kicked him out as soon as his previous guest left," hr peered up at Heero, rheumy eyes squinting. "Come ta think of it, woul' you be--"

"No," Heero cut in, his blue eyes glinting with disgust as the man shrugged and continued.

"S'a good boy, never late wi' the pay, din' want ta have to make 'im leave, but I 'ave to think about me family? Third time 'e's lost a good payin' job fer not a reason an' 'tis unlikely he'll find anoth'r, see?"

"Of course," Heero murmured evenly, starting back down the stairs with an almost defeated air, brushing past the bent landlord dismissively.

:: No way around it, is there now? There is naught you can do. This is fated. *He* is fated. :: the voice decided to pipe up, willowy pitch curving sardonically, in a musical smirk.

Heero shook his head, his teeth clenching with the effort to remain unswayed, determined to ignore the voice as he moved down the street, his steady steps carrying him toward the sprawling stone manor at the edge of the small village. Huge, wrought iron spikes formed a looming fence, framing the stone workmanship of the house, cloaking it in spindly shadows. The curved entrance swung open with the loud groan of rusting hinges as Heero shoved it away from its loose lock, moving quickly past into a barren, dusty courtyard.

A short path of dusty, stone cobbles lead directly to the steel bolted oaken door to the manor, the way made soft by the straggly grayish weeds growing through the cracks. The huge metal gate swung shut with an echoing bang, it's lock clanking into place as Heero pushed through the door. The overwhelming chill hit him as soon as he stepped through the gaping portal into the pitch blackness of the only place he could call home.

He turned, shutting the heavy wooden door solidly, the moved swiftly, easily through the darkness to the stairwell directly to his right. His pace sped up as the slight tremors coursing through the slender boy turned violent, a moan trembling from those invitingly kiss bruised lips as Duo thrashed against his chest.

:: Your little pet is getting frantic, perhaps you should give him what he needs..? :: the voice suggested smoothly, an eyebrow visibly raising in the back of Heero's mind.

Heero growled, pushing the voice back, refusing to give in to it in his own home. His arms tightened around Duo, his resolve quickening when the boy pressed a chilled cheek into Heero's even colder chest, a small sigh puffing warmly through the material of his tunic as Duo calmed finally. Heero gazed down at the soft chestnut head resting trustingly against him, his free hand moving to stroke Duo's bared cheek, dark blue gaze softening. He would do anything to keep this boy alive, he realized with a sinking feeling. It was so far he had fallen.

Heero shouldered his way past a door and into his bedchamber, the only livable room in the house. Pausing before the four poster bed dominating the middle of the room, he allowed a soft sigh to work its way from between his lips, relishing the feel of the small boy in his arms, swearing it would be the last time he would allow himself to touch Duo. So innocent... Pure, kind, caring... He could not harm that.

Clenching his jaw, he laid the boy gently down onto his feather mattress of his bed, quickly covering the slight body with the coverlet resting there. He moved off the raised dais the bed sat off, quickly building a fire in the fireplace, then turned back, his gaze sweeping over the pale form now lit beautifully with dancing light, allowing only a tiny smile to curve his lips at the way Duo curled into the warmth the bed offered.

:: Your house, your bed... Tempting, tempting... :: the following chuckle seemed to ring off the walls surrounding him, not merely the confines of his own mind, dirtying the peaceful cloak surrounding the sleeping boy..

Heero turned away from his bed with a snarl, stalking out over the room on nearly silent feet. How much longer could he resist?

"Not much longer at all, I'm afraid," a familiarly taunting voice whispered through the hall. Heero spun around, a set of pale silver eyes catching his cobalt immediately, capturing, holding him firmly in place, his muscles locking as a teasing smile curved bloodless lips. Heero's mind screamed as control of his own body was painfully ripped from him.


Warm... so warm... Duo pushed his nose into the warm mattress beneath him, breathing in deeply the startlingly rich scent of sandalwood and jasmine clinging to the sheets, his mind registering it was the same scent that clung to Heero so perfectly. Violet eyes blinked open fuzzily, his pert nose crinkling at the sudden light. Then he shot up, taking in his surroundings, instantly alert. "Where..?"

He stood and padded quietly to the door, noting with not a small bit of distaste at the way his hair was unbound hair as it enveloped his slight frame.


Heero struggled against the force pulling him after the retreating form before him, fighting against the haze that was steadily overpowering his senses. They were traveling down a dimly lit corridor Heero had not even known existed in his own home, their destination at the end of the hall in the form of a steepled, chapel-like doorway. Smoked yellow stained glass glinted behind tarnished metal that crossed downward over themselves, forming dull gray diamonds when they halted in from of the door.

Dark blue eyes tried their hardest to bore holes in the back of the man's head, glaring as he pivoted to face to Heero, blue black hair falling loosely into piercing silver eyes. Who was he? How had he gotten into Heero's home without his knowledge? "Calm," the smooth voice spoke in a precise whisper and Heero felt his stiffened muscles relaxing against his will. Heero could not seem to focus on the man, never managing to get more than a shade of his appearance to form in his mind: the silver eyes, blue-black hair, a hint of an almost feminine bone-structure.

"Now that we can clearly see who owns who..." the pale lips moved fluidly over the words as the man walked closer to Heero. "...you shall turn back. And do as I say. Without question. From now forward. Understand?" the tone commanding yet it never wavered from it's hushed quality.

Heero felt himself nod on some fogged level of awareness, his mind never actually acknowledging the words. "Good," the man was so close now his lips brushed over Heero's cheekbone in a parody of a lover's kiss with the word. The fine sculpted face tilted back, raven hair falling out of silver eyes like liquid as the man nodded slightly, causing Heero to turn. "Your pet should be near any moment. Can you feel him?" a finger grazed up the nape of Heero's neck, a shiver coursing up Heero's spine as he took a step forward, then another, heading back done the long passageway.


Duo peered around a doorjamb, his eyes widening enormously on the rows upon rows of bookshelves that were revealed. He stumbled through the door, gazing in open adoration at the various titles etched into the binding of each tomb. "No house this big anywhere in town... no one with enough money for all of this... must be that old estate at the outskirts of the village," Duo muttered to himself, idly brushing a lock of hair behind his ear, uncaring how he sounded as he talked to himself. He was alone after all.

"Shit. I thought this place was abandoned. Everyone did," he frowned, trying to remember what had happened. Getting evicted was clear enough, but the more he strained the more everything was a cloudy blank. Perhaps--


The violet eyed boy whirled around, nearly colliding with the solid chest so close behind him, wide eyes looking up. "Wha-"


Heero was so close, the warmth radiating off of his flesh burning into his frigid chest, a despairing moan ringing through his mind but never breaking free as Heero struggled to regain control. "Wha-"

:: No. ::

Heero shook his head, a small smile quirking his lips as he lifted a hand, tapping a finger against Duo's lips, halting his words.

:: Time enough-- ::

"--for words later, wouldn't you say, Duo?"

on to chapter 5

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