greatest gifts arc
the greatest gift of all
pairings: 1X2X1, 3+4
warnings: yaoi, AU, OOC, lemon
forever and a day
[ follows the 'greatest gift of all' timeline ]
pairings: 1X2, 3X4
warnings: yaoi,OOC, AU, sap, citrus
bonds of love arc
[ an ongoing work ]
jester unmasked
[ first book of arc ]
pairings: 1+2
warnings: yaoi, angst, AU, OOC
rising star
[ second book of arc ]
pairings: 1+2
warnings: yaoi, angst, AU, OOC, citrus
from the ashes
[ third book of arc ]
pairings: 1+2/1X2, 3+4/3X4
warnings: yaoi, angst, AU, OOC, citrus
[ fourth book of arc ]
[ incomplete ]
pairings: 1+2, 3+4
warnings: yaoi, AU, OOC, language, violence, angst, bastard J, sap, citrus
pairings: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, lemon, AU, OOC, language
winning hand
pairings: 1X2X?
warnings: yaoi, yemon, angst, AU, OOC
fragile love
[ incomplete ]
[ sequel to 'winning hand' ]
pairings: 1X2X3
warnings: yaoi, angst, lemon, OOC, threesome
wishing upon the new year
pairings: 1X2X1
warnings: yaoi, language, citrus, OOC
otherside - version 1
pairings: 1X2X1
warnings: yaoi, language, citrus, OOC
pairings: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, lemon, AU, OOC, language
pairings: ???
warnings: yaoi, AU, OOC, angst, songfic
[ sequel to 'the winner takes it all' ]
pairings: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, AU, OOC, angst, lemon, songfic
defying destiny series
[ incomplete ]
pairings: 1X2X1
warnings: yaoi, language, citrus, OOC, AU, language, songfic series
pairings: 1+2/1X2
warnings: yaoi, angst, AU. OOC?, sap?,lemon, songfic
love's torment series
pairings: 2+H, R+1, 3+4, 2+1/1X2/2X1
warnings: yaoi, het, angst, language, AU, lemon, violence, OOC, songfic series
pairings: 1+2/1X2
warnings: yaoi, OOC, AU, TWT, lime, angst, songfic
[ sequel to reencarnacion ]
pairings: 1+2/1X2
warnings: yaoi, OOC, AU, language, TWT, lime, angst, sap, No EW, songfic
pairings: 2X1
warnings: yaoi, OOC, AU, Lemon, PWP
pairings: 2X3, 1X3X2
warnings: yaoi, PWP, lemon, food abuse, threesome, AU, OOC
pairings: 2X1
warnings: yaoi, PWP, lemon, AU, OOC
breaking the bonds
[ incomplete ]
pairings: implied ?+?, implied 1+2, ?+?, ?X?, 3+4, 3X4, 5+S, ?X?, future ?X2?, future 1X2X1?
warnings: crossover, yaoi, het, citrus, angst, sap, AU, OOC, abuse, angst
pairings: 2X1
warnings: yaoi, lemon, OOC, PWP
[ sequel to advice ]
pairings: 1X2
warnings: yaoi, lemon, OOC, PWP
pairings: 3+4, 5+S, 13+11, 6+9?, 1+2/1X2
warnings: yaoi, OOC, AU, het, citrus, sap, angst
[ sequel to crossing fates ]
pairings: 1+2, 1X2
warnings: yaoi, lemon, PWP, AU, OOC
destiny's fate
[ incomplete ]
[ sequel to denying fate ]
pairings: 3+4, 5+S, 13+11, 6+9?, 1+2/1X2
warnings: yaoi, OOC, AU, het, citrus,
[ incomplete ]
pairings: 3X2/2X3, implied 2+4, 3+4/4+3,3X4, implied 2+H, 1+2+1, future 1X2?
warnings: OOC/AU, yaoi, language, angst, het, lemon
the weather outside is frightful
[ incomplete ]
pairings: 3+4, will lead to 1X2X1, ??
warnings: yaoi, angst, language, angst, lemon
if you can't take the heat...
pairings: 3X3, 2X2, 3X2, 1X1, 3X1, 1X2/2X1, 3X2X1
warnings: yaoi, PWP, OOC, AU, lemon, masturbation, voyeurism
whispers from the soul
[ incomplete ]
pairings: K+H, 1+2, 3+4, 3X4/4X3, 5+S, K+2/2+K, KX2/2XK, 1X2
warnings: yaoi,crossover, OOC, AU, violence, angst, cirtus
reluctant heart
[ incomplete ]
pairings: 1X2X1
warnings: yaoi, lemon, angst, OOC/AU
[ fic now complete ]
pairings: 1X2 ?, 2X1 ?
warnings: yaoi, PWP, lemon, masturbation, voyeurism
pairings: ?+2
warnings: yaoi, lemon, PWP
the path of thorns
[ ongoing ]
pairings: none
warnings: angst, POV, OOC/AU?
[ sequel to 'sufferance' ]
pairings: none
warnings: angst, POV, OOC/AU?
[ sequel to 'pergatory' ]
pairings: none
warnings: angst, POV, language, OOC/AU?
[ sequel to 'crimson' ]
pairings: none
warnings: angst, POV, language, OOC/AU?
[ sequel to 'omen' ]
pairings: none
warnings: angst, POV, language, OOC/AU?
[ a side story ]
pairings: none
warnings: angst, POV, language, OOC/AU?
[ sequel to 'avoidance' ]
pairings: none
warnings: angst, POV, language, OOC/AU?
[ sequel to 'searing blue' ]
pairings: none
warnings: angst, POV, language, OOC/AU?
[ sequel to 'shrouded' ]
pairings: 1+2
warnings: POV, AU/OOC, angst
pairing: heero and duo
warnings: yaoi, lemon, AU/OOC, PWP
pairing: duo and heero
warnings: yaoi, lemon, AU/OOC, PWP
pairing: heero and duo
warnings: yaoi, PWP?, lemon, AU, OOC?
pairing: heero and duo
warnings: yaoi, PWP, lemon